The Lesson of the Angel Tree
It seemed like a such a good idea at the time.
So why was I standing in the aisle at Target, a genuinely clenched knot in my stomach, on the verge of panic? This was a terrible, terrible mistake. I must be an idiot. How can I get…

Southbound Girls and Birthday Reflections
A landmark birthday roared past recently, one of those that bestows a zero digit on your age and thus cannot be ignored. Even for those of us who aren’t given to ruminating about the terrors of aging, it’s hard not to contemplate the…

What the Mirror Asked
Like so many Americans, G-ma has been diverted from her usual ruminations on grandchildren and family and turned instead to pondering this historic time in our nation.
Anyone with their eyes open in America this week has watched shock…

Ode to Kid Thinker
“What’s that red button do?” you ask me, tugging on my arm and pointing carefully.
We’re standing in front of a vintage race car, a powerful, striped beast posing silently for viewing by the quiet masses wandering through the…

Four Feet at a Fork in the Road
My daughter stood, firmly planted in her exasperation on the side of the road that bright October day, refusing to move and begging me to listen.
“Mom!” she pleaded, “Come here and just LOOK. Seriously. MOM. Listen to me.”

On Sibling Bonds, and Remembering Jane
It’s a funny thing about sisters and brothers.
You might long for them if you don’t have any. But if you do, nothing in your life will ever drive you nuts in quite the same fashion. That is, if you are like most of humanity.

Off to School: Ready, or Not?
In photos passed around at the office or posted proudly on Facebook, in conversations remote or at the coffee machine, whether about emerging kindergartners or newly liberated college freshers, the off-to-school transition has a universal…

The View from the Next Booth
It’s a routine Sunday morning at my favorite neighborhood restaurant, the best place for breakfast in our part of town—that is, it’s best if you prefer to place your order while sitting at a table, to a seasoned grown-up who will bring…

Things I Remembered on My Summer Vacation
It’s time to get back into harness after a perfectly delightful summer break, which included plenty of fun in the sun, some intriguing backroads exploration, and a restorative helping of lengthy naps. There was lots of quality time with…