The Holiday Hero
Who knows, in today’s challenging times, where heroes may appear? Where might we encounter those special folks who fuel inspiration and spark hope with quiet achievement of the impossible?
For me, they tend to emerge in the most unlikely…

Just Walk In
When it comes to domestic science--or arts, depending on how you like to regard these matters of home--my greatest achievement might be the reasonable management of expectations. If you work a challenging career while managing your home on…

Mr. Bear
Warm thanks to my friend, fellow Kentucky native and author Georgia Green Stamper, for sharing this grandmother's tale of deja vu and antics that repeat across generations.
Last week, I tagged along with my youngest daughter, Georgeann, to…

Antiques road show, family-style
For those targeted in the demographic as “mature” readers, there is a wealth of material everywhere you look these days replete with advice about disposing of your belongings, especially older items.
Perusing this advice is not recommended…

It’s Teen Time
When your birthdays push you past the half-century mark and beyond, there's something the great P. G. Wodehouse would have called a stone-dead cert: You have a long list of things that mark the increasing acceleration of time. Candles on…

Heat Exhaustion
A Labor Day weekend survey of the garden is a such a dreary exercise.
The petunias in the window box, big favorites of the hummingbirds and bees this summer, droop sadly in apparent surrender to the late-summer weather scourge. Their dry,…

One Brief Shining Moment
It was one of those golden moments, the kind that linger in memory, perhaps more powerful because it was utterly unexpected.
It began with one of those instincts you can’t suppress, because it is rooted deep in your bone marrow. We were…

Wordle Woes
Is it a high-potential starting word in America’s favorite word game? Three good consonants, two frequent vowels…a good opening volley this morning?
Or, is it the SOUND that erupted painfully from my throat, scaring the dog,…

In Scarlet Glory
Hello, Gorgeous.
So you’re back, are you? Yes, here you are, in all your tempting ruby glory. I can’t get enough of you, and I don’t care who knows it.
There are those who may say (sing it, Andy Williams) that the year-end holidays…

Cookie Chaos
Picture this: The next day, there were cookie sprinkles in my bed.
You really can’t make this stuff up. How did the little multi-colored devils make their way from the kitchen? Certainly not because I was eating in bed; I was too…

Post-Holiday Checklist
Made a few notes for next time after hosting Thanksgiving for the family.
Things I Forgot For Thanksgiving Dinner
Graham crackers for the smores. Oh, yes, we had the snazzy outdoor firepit, acquired in hopes of extending the space…

All Hail and Salute
Thinking about your Thanksgiving toasts? Making a list of all the things you’re grateful for? I’m adding new entries this year, a cadre of stalwarts who deserve way more credit than they likely ever get.
Friends, I give you the Grocery…

Sing a Song (It’ll Make you Dance)
Desperate times call for…well, you know the line. If you’ve ever been on a road trip with two near-adolescent siblings in a phase of constant bickering, you may know a level of desperation that staggers the imagination.
About two hours…

Fans take to the Roadshow
Fame was so close to my grasp. I could smell it. I could taste it.
Nah, not that kind of fame. You’ll never catch me dancing on TikTok or “influencing” millions with culinary wizardry or cat videos.
My shot at glory seemed…

Maybelle Goes Sale-ing
Today's installment of the Chronicles is offered as a special tribute to G-ma's longtime friend, Amy-Lyles Wilson, in honor of a recent landmark birthday. G-ma has been fortunate enough for many years to participate in Pilgrim Writers, a collaborative…

We Are What We Are (and Ain’t What We Ain’t)
When I was a child my family would travel
Down to Western Kentucky where my parents were born
And there's a backwards old town that's often remembered
So many times that my memories are worn.
And Daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg…

Losing it, at last?
It’s been such a long road. Right? For a year we’ve struggled to hold it together in a world we hardly recognize, some days. Then, Mother Nature cackles hysterically as she adds on her own cosmic cataclysm: The Polar Vortex. Who…

Old Spice (Not That Kind)
If you ever feel compelled to examine your lifestyle in one rapid, unmerciful snapshot---a picture that unveils your purchasing habits, your eating patterns, your organizational skills, your housecleaning talents, your virtues or vices as a…

Handy Girls
It was the kind of answer you pray for when you are on the verge.
“Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll take care of it,” my competent daughter said in response to my panicky text. “I’ll leave in about 15 minutes and will be right over.”…

Storytime, COVID-style
A drama in one act
The scene
Location No. 1: A 7-year-old girl’s bedroom at about 7:45 p.m. The room is captured in the screen camera’s eye and beamed over the ether to another screen miles away, via the technology that is re-defining…

The New Guy
Time is a blur these days, but it still seems that our relationship was in its tender, early stages when suddenly, with the onset of a national emergency, we became captives together.
Maybe not captives exactly, but we are tethered here by…

Kids With Cameras
The scene: A sunny Sunday afternoon in the neighborhood.
The subject: G-ma's new best pal, being lavishly admired by Buddy, camera in hand.
The result: Documentary? Comedy? Biography? A pinch of all those flavors. Click below…

Farewell, Old Friend
In the early morning half-light, long before I would routinely switch on bedroom lamps, I drop to the floor in my nightgown to the spot where she is dozing next to my bed. She has never been much of a cuddler, preferring to demonstrate her…

Top 10 Grandkid Questions
If the grandkids are awake, breathing, and on the premises, questions are buzzing like bees swarming a hive in summer. There is nothing to stoke the mental agility, touch the heart, and occasionally terrify the soul of a grandparent more…